What’s in a Sales Action Plan?

A Sales Action Plan - A playbook that highlights what you're going to do to achieve your sales goals, focusing on the business opportunities & relationships that you can cultivate with the prospects/customers. These plans should be visible and accountable to the stakeholders responsible for the actions targeted.

Account Plans - Account planning is the process of mapping out important details about a new prospect or existing customer, including information about their decision-making process, the companies you're competing with, and the overall strategy to retain and grow the account. Account plans are dynamic and should be worked on a regular cadence (over a 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day timeline - quarterly plan). The highlighted actions should afford you the desired impact on an account.

Opportunity Plans - Opportunity plans are action plans focused on building a strategy to support the desired outcome

  • What are your NBA(s) or next best actions?

  • Who is accountable for these actions?

  • When do those actions need to be realized? Why?

  • What level of impact will this have on your prospect/customer?

Each of these exercises helps: drive best practices across your revenue teams, identify success methodology /best practices criteria, and unlock the ability to execute deals in a timely manner.

For more information on how Squivr can help you execute your Account and Opportunity Action Plans please Contact Us

30 - 60 - 90 day Account - Sales Action Plan




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