When your sales reps leave, what information walks out the door with them?

We’ve all been there. You’re a sales rep or manager taking over an account after a sales rep has left the company. Who are the key contacts? How are they related? When was the last time someone called into this account? When was the last health check? If you’re lucky, the exiting rep has given you a thorough overview of the above, however, inevitably, in a couple months you’ll have a question and you may not be able to get ahold of the person to ask.

A wealth of tribal knowledge walks out the door with your sales reps.  Even if information was updated frequently in Salesforce, it isn’t always easy to make sense of it. According to HR Daily Advisor, “Knowledge is permanently lost when people leave an organization, taking their institutional knowledge with them. If that expertise isn’t preserved and shared for those remaining with the company to reference, rebuilding will very likely be a slow, inefficient, and frustrating process for all involved. In our study, we calculated the average U.S. enterprise-size business may be wasting $4.5 million in productivity annually just due to failing to preserve and share knowledge and, thereby, making new hire onboarding more inefficient.”

Squivr offers a set of tools designed to prevent this from happening:

1. Org Chart visualizes your key contacts in Salesforce:

  • Highlight direct and indirect relationships

  • Color code your warm, neutral, and cold contacts

  • Add contact and opportunity role badges to the contact card (is this person a Decision Maker, Economic Buyer, or Influencer?)

  • Add a photo and link to the contact’s LinkedIn profile

  • Add a temperature gauge ranking the contact’s relationship, power, cadence

Org Chart ss.png

2. Track opportunity milestones with Timeline:

  • See the last call, email, meeting, or milestone on a visual timeline.

  • Filter by Lifetime, Quarter, Month or Week view.


3. View Sales Methodology steps and overall health of the account with Gantt:

  • Easily identify which tasks have been completed and what is still open.

  • Enable collaboration between Sales, Customer Success and Support by visualizing account touchpoints.



Email info@squivr.com for more info!


Squivr for your QBR