How to optimize your Sales Enablement?

The goal of Sales Enablement is for salespeople to spend less time on busy work, administrative tasks, or tracking down information, and more time engaging with customers. Sales enablement is the process of making sales team members more effective and efficient by giving them the best tools, processes, or content to make their jobs easier.

How to drive enablement?

Keys to Adoption

  • Consider whether a new tool being adopted is due to a sales need, an efficiency need, or a direct request from an executive - (these do not always align, and it is the responsibility of sales ops to reconcile these needs.)

  • Include a member of the sales team in the vendor selection process. This often is a sales leader.

  • Will key functionality change or be lost? This possibility must be transparently communicated and justified to sales.

Alignment to better practices

  • Don’t ask for data entry. Sales reps don’t become sales reps to do data entry. If there is a data need, putting an extra burden on your sales team to perform this task takes time away from doing their job, which is building and maintaining customer relationships. To avoid this, consider tools, such as data enrichment, that automatically input the required data into the record when it is first created, such as Industry and Annual Revenue. When making process changes, the bread and butter of sales ops is to think about ways to eliminate manual work through increased automation.

  • Control the number of steps (automation). The more steps that take place without manual input the more efficient and error-free the process.

  • Get sales buy-in. If a new tool or process is being considered, key members of the sales team should be part of the purchasing decision from the beginning. If feedback is positive and the tech is adopted, sales should receive thorough training on its use and value.


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